"Sometimes a train comes by like that where you really have to choose, do you jump or don't you jump."

© 2022 Podcast Buspraat
Find out in the conversation:
☑️ who Carl is
☑️ how he experienced the process of getting out of his golden cage
☑️ why he doesn't like being called a real estate agent
☑️ the challenges around doing business abroad
☑️ how he would adjust his life if he has only 5 to 10 years to live.
Who is Carl:
After college, Carl obtained his real estate broker's license. However, his career first took him to the Police Department. Here he became chief of service for POSA.
Since he did part of his studies in Spain, there was always the affinity with Spain.
When the opportunity arose and his partner Freyke was also behind the adventure, they decided to leave the golden cage they were in and go for it. Now they guide in their unique way Belgian clients looking for their dream villa in Spain.
- Bus Talk: https://www.buspraat.be
- Joris Evens: https://www.jorisevens.be